

A subsidiary website of the Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, Inc.





     When any form of creativity is dedicated to God, it becomes a radiant source of joy and happiness.

                                                                 -Jonathan Murro (God-Realization Journal)

Mosaics by Niscience

Founders and Members


    God’s love is in the color.


     While working on a new mosaic, an indefinably sweet love emanated from the colorful mosaics and enveloped me for a few moments. For many years I have worked on mosaics and other forms of art, but this was the first time I experienced such a depth of bliss during creativity. These words accompanied the visitation: God’s love is in the color. Ever since this vivid experience, all colors in Nature and in art – have taken on a new meaning and vibrancy.

                                                     -Jonathan Murro, God Realization Journal


©  2017Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, Inc.

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