Archangel Gabriel Ann Ree Colton
Working on Archangel Raphael mosaic
Bethlehem Scene, by Jonathan Murro
Invisible Sun
By Jonathan Murro
Archangel Raphael
Holy Spirit Flame
The Seven Chakras
Svadhishthana or
Second Chakra
Beaded mandala
Enlightenment, Opening the Mental Atoms
Archangel Raphael, group project
Archangel Gabriel by Ann Ree Colton
When any form of creativity is dedicated to God, it becomes a radiant source of joy and happiness.
-Jonathan Murro (God-Realization Journal)
Mosaics by Niscience
Founders and Members
God’s love is in the color.
While working on a new mosaic, an indefinably sweet love emanated from the colorful mosaics and enveloped me for a few moments. For many years I have worked on mosaics and other forms of art, but this was the first time I experienced such a depth of bliss during creativity. These words accompanied the visitation: God’s love is in the color. Ever since this vivid experience, all colors in Nature and in art – have taken on a new meaning and vibrancy.
-Jonathan Murro, God Realization Journal
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